What we do

At the Calm Sleep Specialist we take a wholistic approach and address all areas of lifestyle to tailor a sleep solution to the families schedules in order to create a result which is achievable in a busy family environment.

In diagnosing the cause of troubled sleep patterns, we aim to address the many areas of life which can affect sleep.  These include the sleep environment, diet and identifying any behavior patterns which are sleep adverse.

At the Calm sleep specialist we understand that by the time you have reached out to a sleep consultant you are exhausted and possibly overwhelmed with the volume of information available. Our Goal is to simplify this process and guide you through back to a place of sleep for the while family

Sleep Solutions :

During your baby’s sleep consultation, we consider the following aspects and how they may affect sleep

Feeding and nutrition and how it may affect sleep.

Sleep Environment – adapting this to your family’s needs.

Routine – age appropriate tailored to your family.

Sleep Regressions and how to recognise and move forward through each stage.

A range of practical actions to counter children’s sleep problems and create solutions.

Sleep Settling techniques- secret tips that will change your life.

Support, reassurance and confidence to know you are doing what is needed to develop healthy sleep habits.

Ongoing practical support to reassure you throughout the process of building better sleep habits

Indivualised Sleep Plan

The individual sleep plan created for you is personaly tailored to each family. The plan is a step by step document to guide you along the path to achieving your goals.

The individualized sleep plan will provide you with the resources and reminders to ensure your family has sleep success and ongoing support .

Intake Questionaire

 Each family also receives an intake questionnaire we ask you to complete prior to us providing any advice or guidance.  The intake questionnaire is a highly valuable tool which allows a view into both your current family practices and what Advancements you would like us to achieve in your child’s sleep routines.